Innovative solutions
drive us

We believe in the power of influencer marketing

That's why we developed IROIN® , the first data-driven influencer marketing platform that works exclusively according to performance marketing standards. Our claim is to make influencer marketing 100% transparent and scalable.

Technology made for people

Because workflows are becoming increasingly complex, the focus on our platform is on user-friendliness. We are constantly working to simplify workflows and guarantee smooth collaboration between agencies, companies, and influencers.

If you too would like to advance our vision of professional influencer marketing with IROIN® , then take a look at our career page . We are looking forward to meeting you!

"Our vision is to make influencer marketing 100% transparent and scalable through the use of innovative technology."

Moritz Wasserek
CEO | IROIN® Influencer Marketing Suite

We strengthen your business

IROIN® stands for the best possible results and 100% transparency in influencer marketing.
Brands like Weleda, mymuesli, MSI and Playmobil already rely on us.

Press review

The 26 best Instagram tools for your daily social media life
You should keep an eye on these tools!

#spon Influencer Marketing is a brand-first influencer marketing
agency that emerged from the first generation of influencers and is still
independent in the middle of the influencer world.

Sinnfluencer: What's behind the "better" influencers and how your marketing can benefit from them
Endless palm tree beaches, sunshine 365 days a year and perfect looking, happy people smiling into the camera and presenting products: This is the image many have in mind when they hear the term influencer marketing. The best example of this is fitness influencer Pamela Reif:

This is the status quo when it comes to social media and influencer marketing
Social shopping, virtual marketing and KPIs: The afternoon panel at the HORIZONT Digital Marketing Days 2023 not only offered a wide range of content on the social media landscape, but also featured several well-known creators.

The truth about influencer marketing tools
Influencer marketing permeates all industries and can now be found in almost every marketing campaign. 

"An Instagram story of Michelle Obama costs at least 250,000 euros".
Instagram and TikTok have completely changed the way advertising is done. What do influencers earn with it - and who tells them when their time is up?

How agencies can still win pitches in 2023
The battle for the marketing budgets of large companies has always been one of the top disciplines for agencies. Where once "only" the most original idea and the best price prevailed, today completely different factors influence the decision for or against the agency partner. Moritz Wasserek, CEO & Co-Founder of Iroin, explains what these are in his guest article. 

Where does the German influencer marketing industry actually stand?
My studio guest today is Moritz Wasserek, Co-Founder of IROIN, Germany's largest influencer marketing software provider, as he says. Moritz is an OG and got involved with the influencer marketing industry from the technical side very early on and was fascinated by the development of influencer marketing on YouTube etc. from the beginning and recognized the potential.

Everybody is an Influencer nowadays: Digital Bash - Social & Influencer
At the Digital Bash - Social & Influencer on September 28th you will get the latest update on all developments on LinkedIn and Co. Benefit from the tips of our experts and perform in all networks.

New partnership in influencer marketing
Influencer marketing has long been a part of our outreach strategy. After all, social networks are the marketing channel par excellence for reach, awareness and product placements.

Current study on influencer marketing software in the DACH region: These are the results
We have summarized the most important findings about influencer marketing software from the IROIN study for you.

Influencer marketing software can make these steps easier
As in all areas of MarTech, the influencer software market is currently growing rapidly: the sheer number of different tools has literally exploded in recent years. In a survey, software provider Iroin found out which areas the useful little helpers can simplify and what marketers still have to do to avoid purchasing a tool.

Tips for the perfect influencer brand fit
In the past, marketers mainly looked at the number of followers when it came to selecting the right creator. Today, other standards count. Influencer marketing expert Moritz Wasserek knows which ones.

TikTok, LinkedIn, Influencer! The latest social trends at Digital Bash - Social & Influencer
On May 25, Digital Bash brings the hottest social trends to the digital stage. From the latest Gen-Z TikTok tricks to the business potential of LinkedIn to profitable Paid Ads, this Bash leaves nothing to be desired. Secure your free ticket now!

Study: Influencer marketing is young, female and more popular than ever before
A study by IROIN reveals: Influencer marketing has arrived in all industries - SMEs in particular are relying on the marketing discipline. Those responsible are primarily young women.

Top 100 These tools use Germany
The IROIN® Influencer Marketing Suite is ranked 40th in the Top 100 Tools in Germany thanks to excellent ratings on OMR Reviews.

Influencer Marketing is a Woman's Thing
Influencer marketing is now firmly established in the marketing mix. Most companies rely on their own expertise, as a survey by the software provider Iroin shows. Another finding is that women are responsible for influencer marketing in most companies. 

Influencer marketing: companies increasingly opt for in-house operation
According to a survey by Iroin, influencer marketing in the DACH region is increasingly being run by companies themselves. Only one-third still outsource the activities completely. But the company has found out even more.

Study: Companies take over from agencies in influencer marketing
A qualitative study shows: More and more companies in the DACH region are doing influencer marketing in-house. Influencer marketing has arrived, especially among SMEs.

6 tools for perfect research in influencer marketing
In this article, we present six tools that any company can use to easily find suitable influencers for themselves. We distinguish between micro and macro influencers.

Influencer Marketing
Influencers can be important multipliers of your brand and help you to increase reach and awareness.

How to... Influencer Marketing
What is Influencer Marketing? Influencers can steer people's buying behavior in a certain direction by sharing their own opinion about it with their followers. This happens within the framework of a defined cooperation with a company or brand. This means that influencers are compensated in a certain way for doing so.

Influencer marketing tools: 19 solutions in comparison
Influencer marketing tools therefore offer the possibility to better coordinate influencers and organize the entire influencer marketing. In our new market overview, we have compared 19 different influencer marketing tools for you. Based on 9 categories and over 150 criteria, you will find a lot of information about the individual providers and the most important aspects of each tool. 

Why over-40 and over-50 influencers are an asset to your campaigns
These tips will help you tap the potential of over-40 and over-50 influencers.

IROIN® brings André Kilz and Mathis Betz into the management team
IROIN® Strengthens leadership team. The influencer marketing technology company makes André Kilz Chief Technology Officer. Mathis Betz takes over the management of the commercial units as Chief Commercial Officer. Together with founder and CEO Moritz Wasserek, the trio is positioning itself for planned growth in the coming years.

Influencer Marketing World is an exciting conference for savvy and creative marketers who want to take their influencer marketing campaigns to the next level!

"It's like friendship"
8.2 million people follow influencer Bianca Claßen's channel "bibisbeautypalace." These are numbers that many others can only dream of. Why is that?

We award tools with these badges
The IROIN® Influencer Marketing Suite convinces the User:ins also in this quarter. For the fourth time in a row and thus for the entire year 2022, IROIN® Influencer Marketing Suite is the leader in the Influencer Marketing category.

Score with 9:16 and the Barbie principle: Digital Bash - Social & Influencer
Together with fischerAppelt, IROIN® Influencer Marketing Suite presents a case of Barbie. In doing so, they rely on the Barbie principle.

KPI Influencer Marketing: These are the most important metrics for your influencer marketing.
More and more companies and agencies are planning to increase advertising spending on the use of influencers. According to its own projections, Statista expects more than 600 million euros in advertising spending in Germany in 2024.

Finding Influencers for UGC
Finding influencers for UGC - not as easy as you might think. Due to the mass of possibilities and the further cultivation of contacts, it can become a challenge for one or the other to find as well as keep suitable partnerships.

3 key influencer marketing trends
Influencer marketing is growing out of its infancy in Germany and is slowly coming of age. Companies are increasingly professionalizing their in-house influencer marketing activities and making greater use of technology. But influencers are also becoming better and better content creators.

5 tips on how to find the right influencer
There's no question that influencer marketing can work if you do it right. But how do you find the right influencers for your hotel and your next campaign?

After a long break of 2 years, the OMR opened the gates again for the visitors:inside. Rumor has it that 70,000 people attended.

Which fitness influencers to know, which companies are driving the market
Similar to the fashion sector, the fitness industry is also predestined for influencer marketing. The reason: the high staging potential of Instagram, which virtually invites people to show off themselves and their own muscles. But in addition to aesthetic body images, fitness influencing is about much more.

First steps towards influencer marketing
A few years ago, it was enough to give influencers products so that they could hold them up to the camera. Today, things are different. The entire industry has become more professional. Influencers and the marketing concept have become established.

How Influencers Can Add Value to Marketing & Sales for Businesses
Almost every:r of us is on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube and follows some people there. They inspire us, advise us and show us the latest trends: influencers . The purpose of this article is to give you an insight into the world of influencers.


How the agent of social media is being applied in the healthcare sector
The relevant fields of activity for influencers all have something to do with increasing well-being. But what about tangible health topics? The following market overview is intended to show that both sides can benefit from each other - but the pharmaceutical market in particular has some special features that need to be taken into account.


49/21 - Magazine (09.12.21)
Influencer Marketing: Market Overview Health - which companies are driving the market, which influencers you need to know
What about tangible health topics in influencer marketing? To what extent can companies and social media personalities collaborate in this area? The following market overview is intended to show that both sides can benefit from each other.

99 Top Social Media Marketing Startups and Companies in Germany
This article showcases our top picks for the best Germany based Social Media Marketing companies. These startups and companies are taking a variety of approaches to innovating the Social Media Marketing industry, but are all exceptional companies well worth a follow.

How you as an influencer can label your advertising on Instagram in a legally compliant way.
There is hardly a topic in the field of influencer marketing on Instagram that is discussed as much as the correct labeling of advertising. Every day we see accounts of influencers where the Instagram advertising is not or only insufficiently marked in posts, stories or reels.

101 Best Social Media Marketing Solutions & Startups (Germany)
In this article, we present our top picks for the best social media marketing companies in Germany. These startups and companies are taking a variety of approaches to innovate the social media marketing industry.

OMR Review

The 26 World's Best Instagram Tools for Your Daily Social Media Life
No matter which species you belong to, you're bound to find a tool or two you can use in our list of the 26 World's Best Instagram Tools.

Herramientas de marketing de influencers y comercio social en 2022: charla de expertos de PAUL HEWITT e IROIN®
El marketing de influencers puede ser una verdadera mina de oro para las empresas. Pero muchos dudan en implementarlo. Una mirada al caso de uso de una marca global puede ayudar.

Influencer Marketing Tools and Social Commerce in 2022: Expert Talk by PAUL HEWITT and IROIN®
Influencer marketing can be a real goldmine for companies. Yet many are hesitant to implement it. A look at the use case of a global brand can help.

Programmatic Influencer Marketing with Moritz Wasserek, CEO & Co-Founder of IROIN®
Programmatic and Ad Tech Podcast from d3con. Visiting Moritz Wasserek from IROIN® Influencer Marketing Suite .

These influencers and companies are big in fashion
In a new series, HORIZONT and the influencer marketing software IROIN examine market segments that have particular relevance for influencer marketing. The fashion sector kicks off the series.

New Business

25/21 - Magazine
Influencers create trust
How do brands reach young target groups on their preferred channels Instagram and TikTok? Which communication strategy suits which channel? And how does a branded channel become authentic? Moritz Wasserek, CEO and Co-Founder of Iroin, and Frank Schönewerk, Chief Strategy Officer at BuzzBird, have the answers. 

Internet World Business

Tips from experts: how to find the right influencers
Influencers can contribute significantly to selling products better within a specific target group. The all-important question is simply: How do you find the influencer who is the ideal fit? Leading experts provide answers.

Internet World Business

2/21 - Magazine
How do I find the right influencer?
Influencer marketing can be an effective advertising measure to promote sales. The only question is: Which influencer fits your brand? The choice is complicated. Technologies therefore provide extensive databases that simplify finding the right influencers and managing a campaign.

Your Social Media Update 2021: The Digital Bash - Social & Influencer
Social media 2021 - what will change? What developments can marketers expect? And is there still a game changer to be expected? At The Digital Bash - Social & Influencer you get the answers. Get your free ticket and exclusive insights now.

Trends 2021 (4): Cookieless marketing, social media, diversity and sustainability
In 2021, companies must prove that they are ready for the post-cookie era and that sustainability and diversity are not just for PR purposes. That's one finding of our survey of marketing executives. ONEtoONE wanted to know from 45 experts what will be on their minds in the coming twelve months.

Online marketing

The top 5 workflow tips for the influencer marketing professional.
Influencer marketing has become increasingly relevant, especially during the corona pandemic. For companies to really take off with it, good organization and campaign planning is essential. IROIN® gives you the technology you need to do it.


Influencer selection: are the followers also the right target group?
Companies that engage in influencer marketing want the advertised product or their own brand message to reach the right target group. Above all, the question of whether the followers of the potentially suitable influencer belong to the relevant target group is crucial.

Online marketing

Bye-bye, time guzzler: With the right influencer marketing technology to the optimal workflow.
Influencer marketing offers companies many opportunities, but not all advertisers are yet convinced. One reason: Ineffective workflows can become real time wasters. IROIN® shows you how to get started with influencer marketing in a time-saving and uncomplicated way.

Springschool Thuringia

Scenario Workshop: Day 4 | Media with a Future - Future of Media
For the final evaluation, the CTO & Co-Founder of IROIN® Influencer Marketing Suite as well as Norman Schulz from THAK Thüringen and Martin Sputh from ThEx innovativ Thüringen joined via zoom. They followed the presentations with interest and gave helpful feedback and food for thought for the future.

Marketing: Day 1 | Rise and Shine of Influencer
The event entitled "Rise & Shine of Influencer" takes up the current topic of influencer marketing as a subarea of online marketing. Andreas Kühn has been working as an expert in the field of social media and digitalization for several years and presented IROIN, an influencer marketing suite, to us during the event.


How Flaconi combined performance and influencer marketing
"Influencer marketing and performance campaigns are popularly used by advertisers to drive image and awareness as well as trigger interactions. Online beauty retailer Flaconi has now tried its hand at combining the two in the best possible way. These are the results of the campaign."

Online marketing

This influencer marketing trend from the U.S. provides more reach
"Influencer marketing is no longer an insider tip. But the implementation must be well thought out. The data-driven influencer marketing platform IROIN offers assistance."

Internet World Business

Sponsored posts can greatly improve the impact of influencer marketing
"Successful influencers are struggling with declining reach. For advertisers, that's a problem. The solution could be "dark posts," a trend from the U.S.: Posts are played out like ads."

W and V

Happily united: performance meets influencer marketing
"In the future, influencer marketing will draw its clout from the combination with performance marketing and its efficiency. Francois Roloff, CEO of Madvertise, explains what that might look like."


What data is critical to influencer marketing success
"Influencer marketing, like many other disciplines, is a data-driven business. Even when advertising with social media stars, the numbers have to be right and determine success or failure. Moritz Wasserek, CEO & Co-Founder of the service provider Iroin, explains in his guest article for HORIZONT Online in which areas of influencer marketing the analysis of data is important."

branded articles

Influencer Marketing: "Successful is the one who can derive a benefit from all this data".
"What is the significance of influencer marketing in the media mix? What is the technological status of influencer marketing in Germany? What about data usage and campaign workflows? Technology provider Iroin explores these and other questions in a market report."

Influencer Marketing - Status Quo on the Technological State of Play
The technology provider IROIN publishes a comprehensive market report on the status quo regarding the technological status of influencer marketing in Germany. The comprehensive report looks at developments in recent years and shows how the field has evolved since 2014 and provides tips on individual success factors for marketers.

fresh fish

Performance boost for influencer marketing: digital marketer Madvertise makes influencer marketing hyperlocal and performant with Amplify Ads
"Mobile ad tech pioneer Madvertise Media is expanding its product portfolio in the area of influencer marketing and adding to its digital offering. With so-called "Amplify Ads" Madvertise dissolves two previously limiting factors of influencer marketing: the limited reach per influencer as well as the complex project management. Posts, stories and videos from influencers are amplified as social or display ads using the underlying technology of partner IROIN."

Review e-Commerce Day 2019
Ten years the e-Commerce Day developed from a small industry meeting to one of the most important trade fairs for online trade. Every year, we therefore welcome not only long-standing partners, but also more and more new companies as well as numerous interested visitors to the RheinEnergieSTADION.

6 Questions for Moritz Wasserek - CrowdArchitects
Moritz Wasserek is founder and managing director of CrowdArchitects GmbH. We met the media science graduate in Erfurt (even before the crisis) for an interview and learned exciting things about portfolio management, influencing and reach potentiation.

W and V

How influencer campaigns become measurable with AI
"In the future, AI and machine learning technologies will be used in influencer marketing to achieve greater scalability, better targeting, and higher conversions while maximizing authenticity."

May 2019
IROIN and EPICINSIGHTS make measurement of influencer campaigns possible with AI
The Influencer Performance Marketing startup IROIN entered into a strategic partnership with the AI specialist epicinsights to develop a scoring process designed to check the compatibility of influencers and branded channels in order to arrange campaigns properly beforehand.

Iroin - making influencer campaigns measurable
The Influencer Performance Marketing startup IROIN entered into a strategic partnership with the AI specialist epicinsights to develop a scoring process designed to check the compatibility of influencers and branded channels in order to arrange campaigns properly beforehand.