Product overview

On this page you will find an overview of all our modules that you can book flexibly for your use case. More details about the prices can be found on our price page.


Search and analyze Influencers

Search and filter all your current influencers on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Find your cooperation partners with the best brand and product fit. The listing of market-relevant influencer KPIs enables a precise analysis for your selection process.

IROIN Influencer Portfolio

Influencer Portfolio

Bundle and qualify data

Expand your influencer portfolio and add data such as contracts, prices and contacts. Internally assign your ratings for collaborations and generate influencer sedcards for presentations, adapted to your corporate design.


Control and evaluate campaigns

From user management and briefing to review and approval of postings: with our management tools, you have everything in view at all times. You can export the results of your campaigns directly into your own slide templates.


Calculate follower overlaps

The Follower Overlaps Tool calculates the loss of reach due to duplicate followers. Evaluations and comparison options support you in optimizing your influencer selection. With it, you can find the constellations with the highest reach for your campaigns. 

Influencer Connect

Influencer Connect

Synchronize profile data in real time

No more cumbersome sending of Influencer Insights as screenshots. After the approval process, the performance data of your influencers is automatically exported and synchronized. This means that you are always up to date when planning your campaigns.

Influencer Ads

Exceeding organic reach

With our unique Europe-wide interface, you can place social ads on behalf of your influencers. These reach the target group beyond the community. The control of the advertising media is optimized in real time to your individual goals.

Let our product specialists guide you through the software

Discover your numerous advantages of IROIN® Influencer Marketing Suite and get to know the software. Our consultants are happy to learn more about your personal use case and show you how to get the most out of your influencer marketing.