Together with the market research institute GreenAdz, we conducted a survey on the topic: Influencer Marketing Software from 04.04.-26.04.2023.

How intensively do companies already use influencer marketing? Where do they set their focus and which platforms are preferred? How much budget do they have available? What challenges do they face?

There are hardly any current studies on this in DACH, which is why we would like to create more transparency with this study.

These topics await you:

✔️ detailed study results
✔️ Trends in Influencer Marketing
✔️ ANA Guideline
✔️ Challenges
✔️ Solutions

Together with the environmental organization, we planted one tree in the GreenAdz forest in Zambia for every completed questionnaire. Together we stand for online market research with passion and green soul. 🌱

ANA Guideline

The ANA Guideline is known to very few IM experts. Making this standard known would be an important step for the required ROI proof in influencer marketing.

Where to plant the trees

For more information about our tree planting project in Zambia
with please visit our reference customer and tree sponsor page and our interactive webmap.